Tuesday, December 1, 2009

PrayerBits for Wednesday


A bite sized devotional program
produced by the West Side Presbyterian Church


Isaiah 45:5-8 God forms light and creates darkness

Scripture lesson:

This is not a past tense, once and for all statement. There is an wonderful ancient Hebrew idea that God has to consciously hold the universe together, moment by moment. That God has to consciously hold us together, keep us alive, moment by moment. That if God got distracted, we'd all go poof.

Time to reflect:

Through the day try to think about the idea that God was consciously keeping the laws of the universe working, moment by moment.


Isaiah 45:5-8

5I am the Lord, and there is no other;
   besides me there is no god.
   I arm you, though you do not know me,
6so that they may know, from the rising of the sun
   and from the west, that there is no one besides me;
   I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7I form light and create darkness,
   I make weal and create woe;
   I the Lord do all these things.

8Shower, O heavens, from above,
   and let the skies rain down righteousness;
let the earth open, that salvation may spring up,*
   and let it cause righteousness to sprout up also;
   I the Lord have created it.

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